Work-Life Integration Practices and Employee Performance at A Non-State Organization in Nairobi County, Kenya


  • James Karimi Ngari United States International University Africa


The concept of work-life balance is critical in the attainment of sustainable organization performance. Work-life balance describes the balance employees need to have between time allocated for work and other aspects of life. This study aimed at establishing the effects of leave entitlement, flexi working arrangements and teleworking, as aspects of work-life integration practices, on employee performance at a non-state organization in Nairobi County. Data was collected from 64 randomly selected employees through the use of structured questionnaire and was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that work-life integrated practices namely leave entitlements uptake (annual, sick and maternity/paternity leaves), employee flexible working arrangements (compressed hours and part time hours working arrangements and teleworking arrangements were all found to positively influence employee performance at the non-state organization. In particular, teleworking and compressed hours working arrangements were found to have the strongest positive influence on employee performance. The research results offer significant insights to human resource management practices in organizations and future researcher on the concept of work-life balance.




How to Cite

Ngari, J. K. (2019). Work-Life Integration Practices and Employee Performance at A Non-State Organization in Nairobi County, Kenya. Eastern Africa Journal of Contemporary Research, 1(2), 137–143. Retrieved from


