Women and Cattle Rustling: A case Study of Pokot Women in North Western Kenya


  • Mutsotso Beneah University of Nairobi
  • Sheilla Tallam Gretsa University
  • Seraphine Nthiga Gretsa University


This paper is about the participation of pastoralist Pokot women in cattle raiding in north western Kenya. The paper presents that the subject of women participation in cattle raiding has long been ignored by eminent writers on the subject, and was not a priority research area.. It identifies four key studies on pastoralism and cattle raiding in eastern Africa which ignored women’s role in it. Very recent studies on the topic have not been systematic. This paper transacts cattle raiding and women using social cubism theory, a framework that is found appropriate given its dynamic and multi-dimensional nature. The paper concludes that Pokot women are active participants in cattle raiding.




How to Cite

Beneah, M., Tallam, S., & Nthiga, S. (2025). Women and Cattle Rustling: A case Study of Pokot Women in North Western Kenya. Eastern Africa Journal of Contemporary Research, 5(1), 1–18. Retrieved from https://eajcr.org/index.php/eajcr/article/view/68


